Sunday, September 11, 2005

day 21

I have to touch on 9/11 - being that its anniversary is today. I prayer for all that have lost there significant others and children whom have lost there parents. We are struggling thru a big loss in the gulf right now also but 9/11 is not forgotten. I am grateful that I didn't lose anyone that I knew personally but truely feel for those who did in both places. I wish you luck getting thru today and the rest of your 9/11 days.

On to a happy post:
Wow I see that some people have been checking out my posts, I like the comments made by people already. The motivation keeps me going. I've been working from 11am-11pm for the last two days so no posts for those days. Today I wanted to head over to the gym but husband had a job to do this am. And then we are heading over to my mothers house to close the pool. Summer is coming to an end. I will take my kids for a walk while my mom and husband are closing the pool That will be some exercise and I will bring my chem book to study from.

School is busy- tomorrow I start my first clinical session for this semester at the county hospital. Not really looking forward to it, don't like being a PCA again. You would think that they would let us do the "nursing" end of the care but they want us to do total head to toe care for any patients that we get. The PCA's love when we are there. I only have 9 clinical sessions at the county and then 1 on campus testing day and then 3 psych rotations at Syossett hospital. Hopefully it will be over before I know it. That is the only had part I had with dieting last semester. Lunch in the cafeteria, not always the best choices. I guess I will just have to see what the county (NUMC) offers. Can't go wrong with salad. Last time I was doing the Atkins diet I restricted ALL carbs from my diet. I literally had tops 5-10 carbs a day. This time I am trying to limit myself to no more than 20. I am hoping to have a life style change that will make me keep to the diet this time.

I had posted a weight change on day 19. It seems that either my scale was lying to me that day or I gained back the loss that I posted. Serves me right for hopping on the scale mid-week. I am waiting til monday to see if there is anything really lost. But so far its reading the same amount from the week before. Sorry for those that read that loss, wasn't trying to deceive anyone.


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