Friday, September 02, 2005

Where I found my friend

Well tonight I did a long walk. At first I just walked around my development. And then I decided that I wanted to go to the store. I thought that I would be tired after walking around the entire development but much to my surprise I was ready for more. So I decided to walk to the store, save the gas. Which is much needed since gas prices are now 3.20 plus a gallon for regular. I am not sure how much I walked tonight but I was about an 1 hr of time total.. including walking in the store. And then carrying the bags home was some added weight. I have made a new friend today. If you click on the above lighthouse looking icon maybe you too can find needed information and support. I am hoping that together we can go thru this weight loss journey together and make each other stick to it. And if we fall off have the courage to be truthful and then have the courage to just jump right back on the weight loss wagon!! If at first you don't succeed try try again!! Below is my weight loss challenge. I would like by my birthday 2006 to weigh 150 lbs. My birthday is Sept. 22nd so that gives me over 1 full year!! I should be able to do it!! We will all see!!


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