Sunday, September 04, 2005

Almost ready to publish

Well tomorrow is week 2 WI. I am nervous. I just hope that I am at either 251 or less. I have been bouncing back and forth from 251 to 253. I didn't eat hardly at all today. Not a good thing. Busy at work and then my son was sick so I just forgot to eat. That is one thing that isn't a problem for me. I can go all day without eating. I have had 2 egss so far today. I am about to make a tuna fish sandwich I think unless something in the freezer grabs me. Again its 11:25 pm and I am eating. I really need to stop the late night eating.. but its my down time and so I eat. I am looking to go to the gym starting Tuesday. My son goes back to school and I will go to the gym after I drop him off on tuesdays and wednesdays. Hey I guess I should use the membership that I've paid for. Tomorrow is a holiday hope everyone behaves for the holiday. I am going to see my mother tomorrow..lets see if she says anything..its really early yet so I doubt it. I can't wait to see my sister.
I am trying to update this website as much as possible. I've decided to publish it hope everyone likes it. But also I hope no one I know personally sees it, like co-workers cause then I might have to make it private again, LOL. I have to ask my friend for permission before publishing it.. cause I might have to take her link out to her webpage. Day 14


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