Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Keeping it real!!!

Well I hopped on the scale today and boy was I disappointed to see 255. Here I thought that I only weighed 252 from the beginning. So after a week of dieting I was hoping to be below 250. Well I guess the scale at work was actually correct stating 260.2 . I have weighed more than that when I first started Atkins in January. I lost 35-40 lbs then. But it seems I almost gained it all back. I weighed 268 on January 1st. So I didn't gain it all back but enough.
Here is what I would consider a bad picture of me cause it shows by bottom half. I usually try to take pictures from the neck up only!! But this is a real truth picture. I joined the 3 fat chicks community today. I'm glad to see that I am not alone. And was looking for a way to post journals but I think in private would be best for me to really share my personal feelings.
I am not sure that anyone will read this, except people who mean the most to me!! And that's probably only after I have lost a considerable amount of weight. Posting online will keep me in check and help me to understand what I am here for anyway!! The ultimate goal is being thin and happy with myself in the end! Not just what the number on the scale says but how I look and feel!!
My sister had bypass surgery 2 weeks ago and has already lost 14lbs. I am so proud of her and she is actually my motivation for trying this again. I just don't want to do it that way!! I am going to try to post at least once a week. And I will keep everyone updated on my sisters losses also. I am in school full time and working full time. So bear with me!! Talk to you soon.
Your weight is 262 lb as of 08/22/2005.

Goal Progress
I am currently 112lbs above the target weight.
The deadline for my goal is 396 days (56 weeks, 4 days) away.
To meet my goal I need to lose about 1.98 lb per week.


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