Saturday, September 03, 2005

My sister wendy

I have been upgrading my website and have found some special websites to add links for friends to view. One of which is my new friend Pidge that I talked about before. The other is a site called 3 fat chicks which gives me alot of support for my weight loss journey. The other site is my sister's site. She had gastric bypass surgery and the webpage takes you on her journey.
As much as I am excited for my sister cause she has lost already a whopping 22 lbs in less than 3 weeks. I have to admit I am jealous. Well of some things anyway. She has been in alot of pain, but in the end that pain will be worth it. She is going to be skinny WAY before I will be. And not that we are in a competition but it was always a comfort not being the only heavy child of 3. My sister Ronnie has always been skinny, she got the skinny gene. Whereas my sister Wendy and I have always been overweight. Now in no time at all I will be the only one left on the plus side of the scale. But hopefully not for long.
I think that it gives me the extra push to reach my goal. I am proud of her for taking a stand and doing the surgery. Its not for me but that is just me!!


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