Thursday, September 01, 2005

Keeping it going!!

I am not sure that I am doing this right cause its all new to me. I like being able to discuss my feelings online and be able to look back on them in the future. I have been checking out other people's message boards and am surprised. One girl puts it all out there. She just talks about everything and anything. It must be nice to be free like that. Its envy talking. I am thinking about publishing my postings for the wold to see. But with putting pictures you never know who I know that will find me. So for now I am keeping it to myself.
Today was a sad day. I went to one of my co-workers neice's wake. Sad at 11 and having your whole life ahead of you to have to say goodbye to the world. My son has asked in the past what happens when we die and I just had to answer truthly " I just don't know". He is 7 by the way for those who don't know. His name is Anthony. The other picture is Alexandria and she is 3. My children are my world and I hope to be able to be there for them until they are well past my age. But unless I stick to this diet I don't see that happening.
I kept to diet today. This morning had bacon, was going to make eggs. I just really didn't feel like it. This afternoon I had bacon cheesburger on plate with ketchup. And then for dinner had salad with cucumbers and 2 eggs. The definate atkins way!! Lots of protein and not alot of carbs. Generally you are allowed 20 carbs a day in the beginning. But I am limiting myself to less than that. I am debating back and forth whether or not to do Atkins or Weight Watchers. But in this beginning section I want to has fast results. I will slowly change to WW to make it a life long change which is my ultimate goal.
Today I woke up to my monthly friend. I was wondering why I felt so hungry, more than usual. And why I felt bloated, also more than usual. Hopefully when "martha" (which is what I call her) leaves, She will take a lot of lbs with her!!! Till next time.

Goal Progress
I am currently 105lbs above the target weight.
The deadline for my goal is 387 days (55 weeks, 2 days) away.
To meet my goal I need to lose about 1.9 lb per week.


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