Wednesday, September 21, 2005

tomorrow start 1 yr to deadline

Well tomorrow is my 35th birthday. Always I have said I wanted to be skinny by then. Well oops!! Well I set another deadline up for next year same time. I've been doing Ok diet wise but haven't really seen anything on scale. Although I feel that I am getting into shape more with diet. My clothes are starting to feel loose, although thats hard to tell also since I wear EVERYTHING so baggy anyway. I've been very busy in school lately and haven't much time to post.. sorry to those repeat readers.. although would love to hear from you (pidge and dietking especially). I want to throw out my scale. Its back up to 250-251 again. Can't seem to break the 240's. I bounce back and forth from 246 to 250 with just a sneeze. And yes I am doing on the hard floor this time.
With exercise I go every monday night, wed and thurs and would like to say every sunday too..but that depends on my saturday night. If I worked late and can't sleep sunday is out since they are only open til 1pm. I am not a morning person. I am up to 30mins on the elliptical machine which is a great accomplishment for me since when I started I was pushing it to finish 15mins. I can't lie and say 30mins is easy, cause let me tell you there is a major battle that goes in my head to quit at 20-25mins. But then when I am in the last 5 mins.. I say well I someone comes and wants the machine I will stop.. but it never happens. LOL
But I guess thats for the best.
I'm currently 100 lb above the target weight. My deadline for my goal is 366 days (52 weeks, 2 days) away. To meet my goal I need to lose about 1.91 lb per week. -- YUCK!!


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