Monday, October 10, 2005

i hate the scale

Boy do I hate the scale. It seems now that I am stuck on the 240 zone. When it seems like I am on my way to losing again I go back to where I was the week before. I still like the fact that I don't have to move that box on the scale to the 250 mark..I like it there on the 200 for now anyway. I really can't wait to be in Onderville.
My sister is doing great, bitch ( like I call her ). I am so jealous. For the weight loss only not for what she is going thru.
I am fixated on Broccoli, cheese and chicken. I used to hate broccoli.. now I can't get enough of it. But I guess thats a good thing. I am just so sick of salad. I need to find other things that I can eat that are low carb. Getting bored already. So much prep work goes into making meals. Thats one thing that sucks, cause I really don't like to cook. I do have to say that at times the family is eating better on a whole though with me on a diet. Luckily my kids really aren't into chips and stuff so not having it in the house is a breeze. My hubby is the late night get me in trouble eater. Although I've been good with it, and not give in to those wants. To have his metabolism would ROCK!!
Got measured today, seems I am losing it all at the bottom. 1 1/2 inch in my hips and 1 inch from my thighs. .25 from my waist and everything else stayed the same. Must have been from all the time on the eliptical machine. Well least its not getting bigger.
Off to PA tomorrow.. Will write more soon..


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